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Personal Mini Goal ....Getting below 300 lbs :)

Monday, December 8, 2008

0.8 Loss / Week # 15 completed on WW and still trecking along!!

I have completed week # 15 with WW and that right there is an NSV for me :) It's been awhile since I have totally committed myself to losing the weight and on WW for 15 weeks is great :) I am proud of myself for that!
This past WI on Saturday I lost 0.8 ...not a huge loss but a loss and I welcome it! I should have lost more but I am not worried about it. Slow and steady wins the race!! Usually by now I would have given up due to all the small losses I have had and then last week I had a gain :(
But I have NOT given up and I am proud of myself for that!
I want to get to goal so bad that I will do WHATEVER it takes to get there even if it takes me two years to get there ....I WILL GET THERE!! I am finally loving myself enough to lose the weight! I know there will be tough times and struggles along the way but if there weren't then I would not learn anything from this journey! I have learned so much about myself in these past 15 weeks that it's amazing!
This week I committ to:
* Drinking more water (I have been slacking in this area)
* Eating more veggies & fruit (slacking here too)
* walking more
I know why I only lost 0.8 this week and that is because I truly didn't work hard enough at my eating or excercising so it's my fault! In the past I would have been in total denial but this time around I have found that I can now at least admit why I had a gain or why I lost so little and to me that is progress!!
I am psyched that I actually have gotten through major holidays without gaining a whole lot and I know with Christmas I will do GREAT!! I just feel like I am on top of the world :) I am loving this NEW ME as each new day passes!!


Chrissie said...

Wooohooo on the NSV and loss. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

any lose is great and good for you being at it for 15 weeks

Donnalouise said...

You are doing great! 15 weeks and going strong - keep it up, it only gets easier :)

Donnalouise said...

Hey! hope you're doing well. I'm having trouble losing with all the holiday festivities. Hope you're doing better than me :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the success so far. Its especially great to be able to lose weight this time of year.

Hope your holidays are great and I look forward to reading more in the future!