How about "Stressed Out Michelle" Don't get me wrong I love, love, love my job but there are days where I just want to pull my hair out or worse go on an eating binge. I think that I have the BEST job in the world but it's challening when I am on WW. I usually will eat when I am stressed out but I am trying really hard in changing that but it is hard. Well I guess no one said it would be easy LOL.
I run a home daycare therefore I am all alone all day long with 10 wonderful children :) But there are days where it's hard to stay OP. There are some big challenges while working from home that I didn't realize until after I decided to run a home daycare :) I truly love my job and it's a very rewarding job to have but everyday is a challenge.
* To stay OP when I have "Sally" crying for no apparent reason or "Sam" hitting "Allison" because he says he can. I just sometimes want to scream and pull my hair out LOL. At these moments of stress I try NOT to think of food but it's hard BUT I AM NOT EATING OUT OF STRESS :)
*To stay OP during meal times. I serve the children "kid friendly" foods and we all know what that means. So I have to be in total control and NOT eat these and it's HARD. But I am doing it but not without some difficulties but I AM DOING IT :)
Am I all alone or do others have stressful jobs that just makes them want to EAT???
Ok now that I have vented it's time to go wake the kiddos up from thier nap ...oh lucky me :)
I say it is hard to stay on program when you are stressed out or in my case bored. I have several days where I am bored to death and all I want to do is munch. That is when I bring things that are WW friendly. Good luck!
Help!!!!! 10 children is too many on your own. I ran a Day Care in my home before there were so many regulations. I stopped because my father was dying with cancer and needed to prioritise differently. I was involved in early child education for many years and loved my involvement with the children and their parents. I even did parent education classes. All this in a voluntary roll with NZ PlayCentre Ass. Regulations have changed things so much I would have to do a lot of papers to do the same thing again.
Don't understand why 'child friendly' food is a problem. Children love 'healthy' food like carrot sticks, fruit, yoghurt, simple sandwiches. I suspect that you eat very differently in America to us although I do notice mothers buying what is strictly junk food, i.e. small pkts chips for lunch boxes, which were never on the shopping list when I was young. how times change .... some for good, some not so.
Without knowing what food you serve the children, and at the risk of sounding judgemental, why not incorporate WW friendly food, natural sugars, not artificial sweeteners of course, into the children's meals. You never know. ... You might even find it reduces some of the stressful moments with the children.
Best Wishes
I know jobs can often pose problems for a lot of people. Mine job makes it hard for me because we have a kitchen stocked with junk, and delicious junk at that! people are always bringing in treats and its so hard! but I think what you did, by laying out your challenges and addressing them, you can find solutions so that when you are confronted wiht situations that make it hard to focus on weight loss, you will be able to resort to your solution and succeed.
First of all, I have to say I'm so impressed with you for doing the home daycare thing! What craziness! My 2 boys run me ragged every single day. And for a 6 month period I watched my nephew also, and I thought I just might lose it. I can only imagine 10! Eeek!
Thanks for the comments on my blog - I wanted to say I totally agree with you on the people trying to lose small amounts. I think what I didn't explain well in my post was that I mostly meant people who are already at a healthy weight trying to get to the bottom of their weight range - aka my mother. She weighs 120 but really wants to get back down to 110, and then goes on about how we're in the same boat, I just have more. Ummm, no we're not mom. Mothers!!
Look forward to keeping up with you on the Christmas Challenge! IN the meantime, relish naptime!
wow - a home daycare, you must be very patient! Kudos to you for staying OP when you are able to because I don't think I would be able to do so with 10 kids to watch. Keep it up!
I babysat 2 kids last week... and the stress was unbearable! lol When they napped... I did turn to food... for which I regret.
Hang in there! Just remember that we ALWAYS regret it when we give in to emotional eating.
How about trying to find another way to deal with stress? Just pop online and vent when they're napping. Or have a cup of tea... or do some stretches. And when they're all gone for the night... have a nice bubble bath or light a candle or something.
Be kind to yourself! :)
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