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Personal Mini Goal ....Getting below 300 lbs :)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

WI Day # 2 ....WooooHooooo another loss :)

Another week gone and another 2 lbs. gone ......WOOOOHOOOO! I have lost a total of 10 lbs. in two weeks and it feels sooooooo GOOD :) I am very happy with this loss this week since I did have a couple of slip ups but I recognized those mistakes and I corrected them quickly and got right back OP. I am proud of myself for that because it's truly a breakthrough for me to do that. Before I would just say to myself "Oh well Michelle you have already messed up so why fix it" but NO MORE of that or those excuses because I am soooooooooo DETERMINED to get to GOAL :) I can't believe I have already completed two weeks on WW , it is just going so fast! So I am now 30 lbs. away from my Christmas Challenge goal weight .......WOOOOHOOOO!! I just know I am going to make that eye is definantly on the PRIZE :) The prize for me is just to have those 40 lbs. off my body!! I just wanted to share the good news with all my readers :) I hope everyone is have a wonderful weekend!! WE ALL CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

Love to hear of a loss. Thats awesome

Donnalouise said...

WAY TO GO!!! YEAH!!! *high five* Keep up the great work. I'm in a slump this weekend and need to get back on track. Need my WW meeting on Tuesday big time!

Vonavie said...

Congrats! You're doing awesome!

Anonymous said...

that sounds like a fantastic loss! :) way to go.

Chrissie said...

Good job on the weight loss. You are kicking butt. 10 lbs gone forever.

Lynn said...

Wonderful! Good job!

(and thank goodness, because I've read several blogs today with gains and I was going to start feeling all weird and depressed!)