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Personal Mini Goal ....Getting below 300 lbs :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

C.C. Christmas Challenge week # 8/ week # 9 on WW

As my little icon says "I AM WORKING MY WAY TO THIN"!!!!!!!! This past week I weighed in at 344.2 and that leaves me with a - 1 lb. loss :) I am VERY HAPPY with that because it's ONE LESS POUND on my body and ONE POUND closer to my goal :) And I got to add another one of C.C. cute snowmen for a total of - 15 lbs. off ...WOOOOHOOOO!! I am 22.2 pounds away from my Christmas Challenge goal and I have faith in myself that I CAN DO IT!! I hope everyone is having a great LOSER WEEK!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Donnalouise said...

Congratulations on your loser week!!! I didn't do so great and am kicking my butt back into gear!!! Here's to you and I both having a great loser weigh-in next week.

Granna said...

Great job. A pound is a good accomplishment. I have been rocking back and forth for a couple of weeks- lost 1.2 at Thursday's weigh-in, but my weekend was not the best- nothing major, just too much eating out.