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Personal Mini Goal ....Getting below 300 lbs :)

Monday, October 27, 2008

No Gain but a Maintain!!

Well I didn't gain so that is the good news. I maintained so I can't be to unhappy because at least it's not a gain. I know that I won't lose every single week I am OP and a maintain is better than a gain. I know that sooner or later I will have a gain and I just have to prepare myself for that when the time comes but for now I am enjoying my success each new week that goes by :) My official WI day was on Saturday so I am posting this late because this weekend was just crazy busy!
Today I have been craving "sugar" like a bad habit and I am not sure why :( It's frustrating when this happens because the only thing I want to do is eat SUGAR!! I have been struggling with it today but so far I have been "good" ;) I really feel it's psychological at this point because this whole month I have been doing so well with the sugar cravings being gone and now all of a sudden it's the week of Halloween and I am craving sugar like the sugar addict that I used to be.
It's hard for me because I work with kids all day in my home so I have access to my kitchen all day long and it's easy to eat what the kids eat although I prepare for that by making my meals ahead of time and along with my healthy snacks I usually am ok throughout the day BUT with all these holidays coming up I am kind of worried. This week is Halloween week and the kiddos and I are doing alot of different fun things and some of it involves food and candy so wish me luck with that :)
My goals for this week:
* To allow myself a little freedom with the halloween "goodies" but to stay OP at the same time.
* To aim at losing 2.5 lbs. this week :)
I hope everyone is having a great OP day ......LET'S ALL HAVE A LOSER WEEK THIS WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!


Michelle said...

Maintain is better than a gain. Keep up the great work. Your doing awesome!!!

Wendi said...

Good goals for this week. A little sugar won't hurt. Just know where to stop.

Holly said...

Nothing at all wrong with a maintain! keep up the great work!

SeaShore said...

Congrats on the maintain - definitely better than a gain!

I've been craving (and indulging in) sugar lately, too. Darn Hallowe'en candy!

Kimberly said...

Hi. I've been lurking on your blog for about a month now and thought I would come out of hiding and suggest that you have a vanilla yogurt when you crave sugar. It helps me a lot. I feel like I'm indulging and it isn't cheating.