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Personal Mini Goal ....Getting below 300 lbs :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Healthy You Challenge Check In

This week I have joined the Healthy You Challenge!! I have never joined a group like this before but something tells me that it's going to be good support, and lots of motivation for me and I hope to be of good support to others as well :)

This past Saturday (my weigh in days) I lost 3 lbs. which is a good loss although I was hoping for a much bigger number but I have to remember that losing the weight slowly is the most healthiest and best way to lose it. Sometimes I get impatient with the numbers on the scale but I teaching myself that I can't just focus on what the scale tells me , that I also have to focus on doing what is good for me which is :

*Eating Healthy
*Drinking plenty of water
*Self-Positive talk
*Taking my multi-vitamin & Herbs

This is a new week and so far I have done very well with keeping within my weight watcher points, and not only doing that but also eating my healthiest. The one thing I have learned about weight watchers is you can eat anything you want and still lose the weight as long as you stay within the points of the program (at least I can) but this year I have not only committed to losing at least 100 lbs. but I have also committed to eating my healthiest!! I was never really big on eating "healthy" until I decided to embark on this journey. I used to hate eating "healthy" , but now I can't get enough of it :) This is a total lifestyle change for me and in the begining it was one big struggle after another , but now it's become a habit for life :)


Felicia said...


Sounds like you have a great plan for this coming week! You should do GREAT!!!

Hope you have a SUPER day!

HappyBlogChick said...

I just joined the challenge, too. It's a great idea, don't you think?

Congrats on the scale results! Don't be discouraged - that is a great number and if you continue the way you're going you'll reach your goal.

And good job with paying attention to non-scale health, too. You're doing great!

Holly said...

Hi Michelle! thanks for checking out my blog :) Looks like you had a great loss of 3 pounds this week! Keep up the good work. It sounds like you have a really positive mindframe about this. That will certainly help on this journey!


Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

What an excellent week, and I'm not just talking about the scale. :) I hope your new week is just as great!

Anonymous said...

I just joined too. The challenge is going to be great because everyone is so supportive. :) Good job this week!

Tammy said...

That is the key--making it a lifestyle change. Once it becomes second nature, nothing can stop you from achieving your goal. Keep up the great work!

Lora said...

Welcome to the challenge! You seem to have the right attitude and I'm sure that you'll lose that weight this time! Slow and steady wins the race, right? Have you read and of the books by Dr. Oz? (You-On a Diet...You-The Owners Manual...or You-Staying Young?) They are filled with excellent information about eating healthy and WHY we need to eat healthy. They are all great reads and I highly recommend them.

Anonymous said...

3 lbs is 3 lbs!! All the best to you in 2008!!!

Heather said...

welcome to the challenge! Your goals are great, good luck in achieving them!

Carleen said...

nice to meet you! i'm in the challenge to...take care and have a great week

Diana Swallow said...

Wow what a great list, I love the idea that you've listed positive self talk, its something I really need to practice too. Welcome to the challenge group