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Personal Mini Goal ....Getting below 300 lbs :)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Weigh In Day :)

Well today is my second weekly weigh in , and I am proud to announce that I have lost 3 lbs. :) Not a big loss but it's a loss and I am proud of it and j ust very excited that I am losing steadily each week so far. I have to admit that I thought I was going to have a gain this week because last
night I ended up having a piece of pizza and I did go a little over my daily points but what I did was I ate a salad with it , and that is something that I would have never done in the past so I am proud of myself for having self-control and self-discipline with that. I am slowly learning that I can still have the foods I love as long as they are the correct portion sizes, and as long as I play it smart and stay within my points :) This year is definantly going to be different and I can just feel it , somehow I just know that I am going to make my long-term goal of losing 100 lbs by this time next year and that is exciting just thinking about it!!
Some things I have done to help myself stay motivated and to help myself see that hard work does pay off in the end is putting up my "thin" pictures where I can see them and telling myself that I will look like that again :) It has really been helping me, especially when I go to the fridge to eat, and then I see that picture of me on the fridge and I tell myself , "Now Michelle are you eating because your truly hungry or are you doing it out of emotion", and when I evaulate it like that it makes so much more sense to me and I make a good decision....God it feels good to be in control of my eating habits :) In the past I would eat out of pure pleasure and just mindlessly eat and not even think about how many calories I was consuming and now I think about the consequences of eating a whole gallon of icecream , or eating a whole cheesecake and now I much rather reap the rewards of eating correctly than to overeat :)
The one thing I like about Weight Watchers is they teach you that you don't have to deprive yourself of your "favorite" foods , they teach portion control , and you don't have to count calories because they have done the work for you and you just count points and I love it because it makes it so much easier for me and my busy life!! Right now I am doing the WW plan online and on my own and so far I have done well with it and I believe that is because I have a good support system with friends, family, online friends, and also my boyfriend has been a real support and is a good motivater (being a retired police officer he is a very good motivater :) )
Not only am I losing weight but I am feeling really good physically and I believe that is because I am eating very healthy and leaving out alot of sugar, and sweets. Don't get me wrong I do have "sweets" when I crave them because I feel that if I don't allow myself that freedom then I will end up depriving myself and having the possibility of binging on it later, I just limit how much "sweets"I have and that has made a big difference in my weight loss efforts. I don't do well on high carb foods and I stay completley away from the "bad" carbs and that has really helped me. Life is looking better everyday :)


Chubby Chick said...

Congrats on your weight loss! That is fabulous!

It sounds like WW is really working out for you. That is great! It's good to practice portion control and not deprive yourself of any particular food. That's what I'm trying to do, too.

Scale Junkie said...

I think 3 pounds is a big loss!! You should be very proud of it! Welcome to the Healthy You Challenge

Anonymous said...

Great job. The picture idea is wonderful. Keep up the good work.